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How to Get Rid of Brown Banded Cockroaches

Among all of the different kinds of species of cockroaches - and believe us, there are a lot of them - one of the most pernicious, annoying, and dangerous species is the brown banded cockroach family. Dealing with these bugs requires a dedicated, professional response that is beyond the capabilities of most DIY pest controllers. Nevertheless, we're going to give you a clear-cut way to deal with this ugly problem in the interim while you wait for the cavalry to arrive. Read on to learn more about getting rid of brown banded cockroaches and reclaim your property once and for all.

Brown Banded Cockroaches

Recognizing a Brown Banded Cockroach Infestation

If you happen to spot an unknown bug crawling around your property that looks suspiciously like a cockroach, be sure to capture the specimen for further analysis and research. Universities, government agencies, and the Internet are all great resources for identifying a particular bug, and a professional exterminator can also provide vital identification services. Brown banded cockroaches are generally very small - 5/8 of an inch is the average length - and also have distinctive brown bands (hence their name) on their backs.

Eliminating Potential Food Sources and Cleaning Up

As with other cockroaches, brown banded cockroaches are omnivorous creatures that will eat practically anything organic within your home. These sources of organic material can include improperly packaged or spoiled food, a high level of plant matter throughout the environment, or dirty surfaces. The safest and most effective way to help a professional exterminator do his or her job is to ensure a general level of cleanliness throughout the infested environment in order to prevent the build up of nests and other sources of food. Finally, we do not recommend directly combating the issue, as this may lead to significant health or environmental problems later on.

Get Started Today: Call a Professional Exterminator for Peace of Mind and Comprehensive Eradication

Instead of spending months trying to solve the problem by yourself and potentially causing unintended health issues, why not leave the dirty and painstaking work of eradication to experienced professionals? You'll likely save both time and money by bringing a professional exterminator on board, as well as avoid months of further infestation - after all, you deserve as much after having gone through a stressful infestation event. Let's get started today and get you back on track with a FREE extermination quote for your property. There's no time like the present to get started with solving this problem for good!

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